lundi 31 août 2009

Jon Voight Appears on Mike Huckabee's Show: Says President Obama 'Arrogant,' Causing 'Civil Unrest' (VIDEO)

Actor Jon Voight is giving his two cents about the arrogance of President Barack Obama. I have no issue with him criticizing the president, but how is his relationship with his daughter, Angelina Jolie? I thought she wasn't speaking to him. What's the relevance here? Well, if he can't get his relationship right with his own daughter, I think he should be the last person to call anyone arrogant. I have yet to see Jon Voight in the forefront rallying for all the poor senior citizens in this country.

He appeared on Mike Huckabee's show on Faux News last weekend. He also accused the president of playing God when it comes to healthcare.
I'm here to validate all the millions of people who are opposed to the Obama healthcare. We're witnessing a slow and steady takeover of our true freedoms. We're becoming a socialist nation, and Obama is causing civil unrest in this country... The stimulus didn't work... We're being told what cars we can drive, how much we can make...

Obama has made this [healthcare} a personal crusade now... As we can see it really is about him. He is arrogant and he's adamant that he's going to get this passed...

He's trying everything, even the so-called God card. If you love God, he tells us, then it's your duty to vote this healthcare bill in... They're taking away God's first gift to man. Our free will. Source: Huffington Post
Gee, I can't seem to remember any time in recent memory when I saw Jon Voight crusading for anything other than a role in a movie. Here's someone with zero credibility trying to sound knowledgeable.

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