lundi 17 août 2009

Actress Nia Long Says "There's No Difference Between Fur and Slavery or the Holocaust"

Actress Nia Long is the latest Hollywood star to pose for a PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) ad. It is quite obvious that the image has been manipulated by Photoshop, she stands behind the message -- "I'd rather go naked than wear fur." There are many people who are against wearing fur, but where does that leave leather? Would PETA supporters rather go barefoot than wear a leather shoe or sandal? I was equally amazed at Ms. Long rationale behind being against wearing fur:
“In being a responsible adult and really understanding what happens for one fur coat and how many animals are killed and slaughtered for one fur coat, it just isn’t worth it to me."

When I became a mother, I started to really understand the importance of all living creatures in a way that I didn’t ever think about before. And I’ve realized how important it is that we really take responsibility for … treating animals with love and care just like we would any human being.

There’s no difference, in my opinion, [between fur and] slavery or the Holocaust. It’s just that we’re not dealing with human beings, we’re dealing with animals, but it’s still a living thing.”
Really Nia? Wearing fur is no different from slavery or the Holocaust? Gee, let's see how many movie roles you get in Hollywood that are bankrolled or produced by a Jewish man or woman. Wearing fur does not compare in the least to slavery or the Holocaust.

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