samedi 15 août 2009

Zach Lahn, Political Science Student, Challenges President Obama to "Oxford Style" Debate at Colorado Health Care Reform Town Hall

I found President Barack Obama to be in his element during his health care town hall in Grand Junction, Colorado, this evening. His performance was solid and, though it may not allay all the fears of many Americans, including me, I think he did well. The highlight came when political science student Zach Lahn challenged the president to an "Oxford style" debate. Here's the irony. Zach Lahn has less access to the information that President Obama has access to, but he has the temerity to challenge him to a debate based on the facts as he sees them -- one sided and flimsy.
"I'm going to call on this gentleman," Obama announced "because he's been waving, and he shouted at me a couple of times. I just want proof here that I'm happy to get a good debate going."

Political science student Zach Lahn responded, to laughter, "My question is this -- and also, I'd love to have a debate just all out, any time, Oxford style if you'd like. I understand... I'm willing to do that -- but my question is this..." Source: Huffington Post
I read Zach Lahn's Twitter profile and wasn't surprised in the least to learn that he is a "determined Christian Conservative in CO, home state of IA not stopping until everyone agrees w/me Pro-Life, Pro-Guns, Pro-Reagan, Anti-Big Gov." One commenter on this article on my blog stated that "I sat right behind Zach Lahn at the Town Hall meeting. He was agitated and rude to President Obama from the beginning. He booed loudly several times at some of Obama's answers, waving his arms each time Obama was looking for more questions. Yet Obama respected him completely. Afterwards, Fox News dashed over to him to ask him to be interviewed, which he did with great relish. His buddy said he was a full ride scholarship football player at University of Colorado, apparently one who doesn't mind taking government money himself." If his comments are factual, then Zach Lahn is a hypocrite who doesn't have a problem taking from the government or some other donor, when it suits him. I guess Fox News and the right wing has just found their new Joe the Plumber.

The discussion was very spirited and it allayed some of the fears many people have about this massive, but needed overhaul of the health care system in this country. I was also heartened when President Obama invoked his own anguish over the death of his grandmother, as he challenged the debunked notion that Democratic efforts to overhaul the health care system would include "death panels," a blatant lie that is being spread by Betsy McCaughey, Sarah Palin and many conservatives.
"I just lost my grandmother last year. I know what it's like to watch somebody you love, who's aging, deteriorate and have to struggle with that," an impassioned Obama told a crowd as he spoke of Madelyn Payne Dunham. He took issue with "the notion that somehow I ran for public office or members of Congress are in this so they can go around pulling the plug on grandma."

"When you start making arguments like that, that's simply dishonest—especially when I hear the arguments coming from members of Congress in the other party who, turns out, sponsored similar provisions," Obama said. Source: Breitbart
You will recall that his grandmother, "Toot," died of cancer at age 86 on Nov. 2, two days before he won election to become the nation's first African-American president.

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