mercredi 12 août 2009

Rep. David Scott Gets Letter that Included the Image of Obama with a Soviet-Style Hammer & Sickle on His Forehead, Called "Nigga David Scott"

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Rep. David Scott, (D-Ga.) has been the target of several incendiary political and racist attacks in recent days. Most notably, a large four-foot-wide swastika was painted on the sign outside of his office earlier this week.

Today, during an appearance on CNN, he showed some of the other letters and faxes his office has received in recent days. One of them included an image of President Barack Obama with a Soviet-style hammer and sickle placed on his forehead, as well as a reference to the congressman as "Nigga David Scott."

Now, is this the way we have constructive dialogue in this country? This is reprehensible.

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