jeudi 27 août 2009

Anti-War Protester Cindy Sheehan Sets Sights on President Barack Obama, Stages Protest at Media Center on Martha's Vineyard

She's baaaaacck! Cindy Sheehan, that is. You will recall that she spent weeks dogging George W. Bush's presidential vacations, now the anti-war protester is now trying to make life uncomfortable for President Barack Obama on his Martha's Vineyard vacation. Sheehan pitched a peace camp near Bush's Crawford, Texas, ranch and she became a symbol of the anti-war movement after her son Casey died in action in Iraq. I found her to be annoying, but she had a point and I give her some credit for popping up again on the other side of the aisle.

Sheehan and a band of anti-war protesters turned up Thursday outside the media center used by journalists covering Obama's vacation on the well-heeled east coast resort island of Martha's Vineyard. "The reason I am here is because ... even though the facade has changed in Washington D.C., the policies are still the same," Sheehan told a handful of journalists, against a backdrop of her "Camp Casey" banner.

She also told peace activists to wake up and protest Obama's escalation of the war in Afghanistan and complained that despite the president's anti-war stance, US troops remained in Iraq. Gee, I didn't think he could just snap a finger and bring the troops home. Any withdrawal from this ill-advised and unfounded war will take months. I will give her credit for recognizing that though then-candidate Barack Obama said he would bring the troops home, now as President, his hands are tied and it is clear that there is still no exit strategy to end this war.

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