jeudi 21 avril 2011

Rodney Duncan Charged with Statutory Rape After Mother of 12 YO Girl Discovers Relationship on Facebook

Atlanta resident Joie Lee did what more parents need to do -- monitor their children's activities on social networks, such as Facebook. She was able to track down Rodney Duncan, 17, who allegedly had sex with her 12 year old daughter. Duncan has since been charged with statutory rape.
Joie Lee first became suspicious when she read part of an argument between her daughter, and the girlfriend of 17-year-old Rodney Duncan posted on the social networking site.

When she found references to sex between Duncan and her daughter, she set about tracking down the girlfriend in order to confront the teenager face-to-face.

Speaking to, Mrs Lee said of the initial Facebook post: 'It gave me a picture of the young man. I knew who he was. It led me to the girlfriend. She had information.'

After locating Duncan, and armed with information from his girlfriend, she confronted his mother at their home.

But after Duncan's mother refused to talk her, Mrs Lee went to the police. Duncan was arraigned on statutory rape charges on Tuesday. 'I really feel sorry for him. He will have to go register as a sex offender.' Source
Hats off to Joie Lee and shame on the boy's mother for not even listening to what she had to say.

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