mercredi 20 avril 2011

Group of 30 Teens Attack Riders on Atlanta Train Chanting B. F. P. L.

A group of teens attacked riders on a MARTA train in Atlanta Sunday night, chanting "B. F. P. L." Two Delta Air Lines employees, Parker Stanea and Jose Souza, were attacked and one robbed. An investigation has been launched into the incident.
Around midnight, a MARTA train pulled up to the Garnett Station in Downtown Atlanta, authorities said. The witness said up to 30 people boarded the southbound train.

"Once the doors opened, it was like a bum rush of people," he told Byfield. "The next thing you know, they started just beating him. There was blood everywhere. People were hollering and screaming," he said.

A MARTA police report identified two victims as Delta Airlines employees. The report said one victim had a soda can smashed in his face and his wallet stolen, while the other was punched repeatedly in his face. Source: WSBTV
The devil finds work for idle hands and I am sure the parents of these young thugs would say their kids are angels. Right. A group of teens on the streets at that time of the night spells trouble and their parents need to lead by example and not let their young thugs terrorize innocent people.

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