lundi 11 avril 2011

John Legend Calls Donald Trump Racist in Birther Claims President Obama May Not be a Natural Born American

John Legend is the latest celebrity to give his two cents about Donald Trump's ridiculous assertions that President Obama's live birth certificate is not legitimate and questioning his nationality. According to Hollywood Insider, Legend said: "He needs to stop saying that racist bulls**t birther s**t," Legend told N.Y. Magazine. "Quote me please. He should be ashamed of himself. It's awful, really." Shameful. If this is the best Donald Trump can do, when there are many economic issues confronting this country, then he's a bigger fool than I thought. He said maybe his birth certificate states he's a Muslim. Really? How responsible would he have been at birth to influence what was written on his birth certificate by hospital staff? I have yet to see a birth certificate that states one's religion. Have you? Donald Trump is risking alienation of the black community by his constant harping on the issue. How come he didn't come out swinging about George Bush's military record or Bill Clinton's draft dodging? Sorry, but this is a dirty attempt to call attention to race. If there was some truth to a birth certificate cover-up then I'm sure John McCain's people would have dug this up. Unless Barack Obama was Jesus Christ himself come back to earth, I seriously doubt his parents could have influenced much of anything with this birth announcement. Secondly, I think Trump is confused about who had enough wealth to influence the process. Seems to me Obama's white mother and black father didn't have the means his parents had.

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