jeudi 9 avril 2009

Mary Lovelace, Jumps 60 Feet to Death at Queens Center Mall, and Lands on Teenager, Derrik Munoz, Relaxing in Recliner

I have long felt that most of the people who commit suicide are selfish. They don't think of the implications of their actions. Well, we have a prime example of such a selfish person. Mary Lovelace, 55, of Jamaica, Queens, jumped 60 feet to her death at the crowded Queens Center Mall yesterday. Yes, crowded mall. She knew exactly what she was doing and wanted to get all the attention, I guess she felt she needed. The only hitch is that she landed in the lap of a teenager, Derrik Munoz, relaxing in a massage chair below. Mind you, she did this while scores of horrified shoppers watch this drama unfold.
Mary Lovelace took off her shoes and put her purse on a bench before climbing over a waist-high barrier at around 3 p.m. and plunging to the ground as scores of stunned shoppers watched.

"We heard people say, 'Don't jump! Don't jump!'" said Kathy Molkandow, 19, of Queens, who works in a clothing store.

Lovelace fell onto 17-year-old Derrik Munoz, who was chatting with his girlfriend on a reclining, dollar bill-operated massage chair on the ground floor. "We were talking and all of a sudden I feel something heavy on me," said Daniela Giraldo, 18, of Queens, Derrik's girlfriend. "I get up and I see a lady on the floor."

A younger man who was walking with Lovelace raced in agony to her side, but it was too late to help. "He screamed, 'No!'" said Jonathan Arrunategui, 16, of Queens, a shopper. "He ran straight [down] the escalators."

At first, Derrik, a 10th-grader from Amityville, L.I., seemed fine. Then Giraldo noticed blood all over him and a gash in the back of his head: "I panicked, I started to cry," Giraldo said. "I didn't know what to do." Source: NY Daily News
So, her actions could have permanently maimed this young man. The doctors reportedly put a brace on his neck. Ms. Lovelace knew exactly what she was doing. I don't advocate suicide, but why come to the mall to have your last hurrah? It's spring break and kids are at the mall, their favorite hangout, enjoying a week off from school. Never mind the emotional toll being an eyewitness to such a horrific act is. She cared only about herself and it showed in her actions. She deliberately traumatized the two teenagers who were with her. Me, me, me to the very end.

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