mercredi 8 avril 2009

Silvio Berlusconi, Italian PM, Says Quake Survivors Accommodations Comparable to Weekend Camping

Yep, I wondered with Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi would put his foot in his mouth and he lived up to my expectations! He has caused outrage once again by making a really insulting comment about thousands of survivors of Monday's earthquake. He told a German N-TV reporter that the 17,000 earthquake survivors "have everything they need, they have medical care, hot food... Of course, their current lodgings are a bit temporary. but they should see it like a weekend of camping."

You will recall that he got into trouble twice last week for gaffes made during the G-20 and NATO meetings. He appeared to upset Queen Elizabeth II by shouting over her shoulder at President Obama, and then he appeared to upset German chancellor Angela Merkel by chatting on his cell phone rather than formerly greeting her in Germany. This is also the person who described President Obama, two days after his election, as "young, handsome and suntanned"."

What an idiot. Even former President George W. Bush, known for his many gaffes, certainly would have been a lot more diplomatic than Berlusconi. He needs to stick to a script and not deviate one iota. He doesn't need to field questions from reporters.

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