mardi 28 avril 2009

Michelle Malkin, Neal Boortz, Glenn Beck, Other Right Wing Commentators Using Swine Flu to Promote Racism against Illegal Mexican Immigrants

The conservative right wing nutjobs like columnist Michelle Malkin, radio show hosts Neal Boortz and Michael Savage, as well as the lunatic Glenn Beck need to be put in check sooner rather than later for spewing racist hatred by stating illegal immigrants are responsible for carrying swine flu across the Mexican border and infecting innocent Americans. Lost in all Michelle Malkin's babble is the fact that she is the product of an immigrant family and her lack of empathy for immigrants is insulting and hypocritical, to say the least. These people have sunk to a new low and that's just pitiful. There is no evidence to support such scurrilous claims but this has not deterred these morons from spreading these accusations faster than the contagion itself.

Here is a sampling of the racist accusations:

"Illegal aliens are bringing in a deadly new flue strain. Make no mistake about it," blares Michael Savage.

"I've blogged for years about the spread of contagious diseases from around the world into the US as a result of uncontrolled immigration," writes Michelle Malkin.

"What happens if there's a rash of deaths in Mexico... and if you're a family in Mexico and people are dying and Americans are not, why wouldn't you flood this border?" announces Glenn Beck.
There is more. These idiots are also trying to convince their audiences that Islamic terrorists have somehow been able to do what has eluded scientists elsewhere in the world, the ability to concoct a deadly new flu virus, and then miraculously introduce it into the Mexican population.
"What better way to sneak a virus into this country than to give it to Mexicans....then spread a rumor there there are construction jobs here, and there they come," says Boortz.

Savage — "make no mistake about it" — believes that radical Islamic countries planted the virus in Mexico knowing that humans make the "perfect mules for bringing the strain into America." Source: The Huffington Post
Their comments are idiotic and deeply divisive at the same time. They owe the Mexican people an apology. Why would the terrorist groups single out Mexicans instead of Americans if they were able to create this new bio-terrorist flu? Geez, I guess these morons didn't bother to think of that little detail. Here's another gem. Isn't Mexico City, the epicenter of this outbreak, hundreds of miles from the US border? Lastly, didn't the eight students from New York City contract the disease after a trip to Cancun, Mexico? Who are the real idiots now? Michelle Malkin, Neal Boortz, Mike Savage and Glenn Beck are spreading something far more vile than swine flu -- deep-rooted hatred and that's a very dangerous thing.

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