vendredi 27 mars 2009

Yet another religious zealot: Why the LGBT community still has a long way to go to combat bigotry

I came across this article on a website earlier today, which describes how a young boy painted a penis on his parents' roof. The article asserts that the child's rebellion was as a result of his being gay, and presumably his parents' attitude about that.

Never mind what I think about the child's actions. That's irrelevant compared to the author, Tyson Bowers III's, display of religious zealotry. Bowers actually suggests that the child should be stoned, among other things. And this man calls himself a Christian, professing to be a "soldier of God, who walks in His light, and does His bidding."

So I ask, exactly what god does Tyson Bowers III serve? Christ would never have said the things he said about the boy.

I don't know about you, but I am so tired of people claiming godliness, yet being exactly the opposite. It shouldn't matter what you think about the child's lifestyle choice. Remember, we are still talking about a child here.

This man is one of the types who will wake up in hell one day and wonder how he got there. Seriously, things would be so much better if people could just live and let live. See for yourself what Mr. Bowers had to say:
Here is a prime example of home homosexuals have no respect for anything that isn’t sugar plummed with anal sin.

A young boy decided to paint a penis on his families home to show his support and love for other men. I want to know why this young man felt the need to violate his parent’s property with such sin and vulgarity. Did he feel like if he embarrassed his family that they would except his choice to be a twiddle rompus worshiper?

I wish stoning was still legal, because I would love it if his parents tied his anus loving mouth to a stake and throw stones at his sin filled body until he stopped breathing. Then he could join Satan in hell!

To all that find this photo funny, I tell you this. One day it’s large twinkies drawn on top of a families house and then the next it will be photos of gay men raping young children on billboards if you keep accepting this form of propaganda. Source:

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