mercredi 25 mars 2009

La. Governor Bobby Jindal Jokes About Torture in His Response to President Obama's News Conference

The Republican Party still hasn't learned from the Bobby Jindal debacle the last time President Obama spoke to the nation. This time Jindal may have been a little better, but he put his foot in his mouth when he joked about torture. He insulted so many people in this country. At a $2,500 per plate dinner, he opened his speech by poking fun at himself. He threatened to deliver a reprise of the earlier performance he gave and yes, he went there. He compared it to torture. "They're not allowed to show my speech at Gitmo anymore," he said. "They've banned that." Is this guy serious? Who in their right mind finds torture funny?saying Republicans must be ready to defy the president when they disagree with his policies. He also joked about his widely panned response to Obama's address to Congress last month.

"We are now in the position of being the loyal opposition," Jindal said at a Republican congressional fundraising dinner that only by coincidence fell on the same night as the president's news conference. "The right question to ask is not if we want the president to fail or succeed, but whether we want America to succeed." "The time for talking about the past is over," Jindal said Republicans have begun to find their voice after back-to-back elections losses -- motivated by what he called historic Democratic spending excess. Funny, wasn't the Republicans in control for most of President's Bush's tenure in office? Once again, he got his facts wrong.

The news conference the president gave was boring, but Jindal is still the reigning champion for giving another boring delivery.

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