vendredi 20 mars 2009

George Lambus, Black Mayoral Candidate in Mississippi, Wants to Solve Crime with 'Noose'

Well, here's a real doozy for you. George Lambus, 62 year old black Republican mayoral candidate in Jackson, Mississippi, has called for bringing back the hanging noose to combat crime. He has acknowledged in an interview in the Atlanta Journal Constitution that his ridiculous platform has made some residents downright mad, but still he spews the venom anyway. He continues to insist that his tough stand is welcome in some quarters of a state capital racked by crime, much of it black-on-black. I understand the frustration with rising crime rates, but this man has insulted blacks everywhere by even mentioning that he is all for bringing the noose back, after what it stood for in black history.
"Crime can only be alleviated by a noose and a stout tree limb," Lambus wrote in one of several homemade flyers he passes out in Jackson neighborhoods. "I will provide the noose and when the economy improves, I will get the jobs here."

"Look at recent history, like in South Africa, when apartheid was abolished," Lambus said in a recent interview with The Associated Press. "Blacks went on a crime spree. Other blacks got tired of it ... and they formed vigilantes and they killed people. It brought the crime down." Lambus also asserts that executions are the only way to control crime, adding "If we look at the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, it's driven with blood."

Still, anti-crime campaigns have resonated in Jackson in recent years: incumbent Mayor Frank Melton won a landslide victory in 2005 on promises to get tough. The mayor even went armed on security patrols through tough neighborhoods. He is now charged with federal civil rights violations for allegedly leading a sledgehammer attack on a suspected crack house. Melton's 2005 pledge to run the "thugs" out of town seems mild in comparison to Lambus' calls for hangings and vigilante justice. Source: Atlanta Journal Constitution
Mr. Lambus is within his Constitutional rights to express his beliefs, albeit very flawed ones. Nobody in their right mind will even vote for this man. There has to be a serious crackdown on the thugs running around the streets and wreaking havoc. That needs to start with the gun laws in this country. It is way too easy to get a gun and too many criminals are getting their hands on high-powered weapons. There should be zero-tolerance, but certainly not the inclusion of the noose and hanging. Mr. Lambus has lost his mind. As a country we should be moving forward, not backwards into the dark ages of racial turmoil that left an indelible mark on the American fabric as we know it.

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