jeudi 12 mars 2009

Bernard Madoff, Scumbag Extraordinaire, Pleads Guilty to All 11 Criminal Charges, Could be Sentenced to 150 Years Behind Bars


Judge Chin orders Madoff jailed until sentencing. Bond revoked. Amen!

Finally, scumbag extraordinaire has to step up and plead guilty for massive fraud he has perpetrated to the tune of $65 billion against his clients, many of whom lost their entire life savings. He pleaded guilty today to all 11 eleven criminal charges and faces up to 150 years in prison. Yeah, the scumbag will almost certainly die behind bars.

Manhattan Federal Court Judge Denny Chin will decide if the dirtbag goes directly to jail for pulling off the biggest swindle in history - or is allowed to stay in his luxurious E. 64th St. duplex until sentencing. He should be sent to prison right away.

According to the NY Daily News, Madoff wore a bulletproof vest under his jacket, but the wife who has been by his side for 45 years was not with him. Yeah, she may have some brewing trouble of her own. Before Judge Chin decides what to do with him, Madoff will get an earful from at least 25 of his victims. He should be put in general population right away. Hey, had that been you or I, we'd by sent up the river without a paddle. So, too should Bernie Madoff. He doesn't need to sit in his swanky $7 million pad until he is sentenced. Metropolitan Correctional Center is where he should be today.

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