dimanche 19 octobre 2008

Zbigniew Brzezinski, Former National Security Adviser, Says Powell's Endorsement Of Obama Represents "Comprehensive Indictment" Of McCain-Palin Ticket

According to the Huffington Post, former national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski said that Gen. Colin Powell's endorsement of Barack Obama represents a "comprehensive indictment" of the McCain-Palin ticket. Ouch.

Brzezinski told the Huffington Post that he thinks Powell's endorsement will play a major factor in the race. "I was impressed by the comprehensive indictment of the current Republican ticket that was implicit in Powell's statement. It was not just about foreign affairs, it was a comprehensive statement that conveys the message that the more traditionally centrist Republicans are coming to view the McCain-Palin ticket as some sort of deviation -- some sort of break -- with the genuine traditions of the Republican Party."

Brzezinski also rejected the notion that Powell's endorsement could be discounted by undecided white voters as mere "racial solidarity," saying: "Because of his military service, his role in the first Gulf War, his status as a past Secretary of State, it has put him above the racial divide. He's seen more as an elder statesman."

He noted that Powell's endorsement also "breaks the phalanx" of support for McCain from members of President George H.W. Bush's inner circle, but he doesn't necessarily expect to see more Bush 41 figures backing Obama. "Some of the others have engaged in a kind of routine endorsement [of McCain]," he said. Brzezinski also revealed that he still has not heard any explicit words of support from Bush 41 National Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft, with whom he is close. "I'll be seeing him later today," Brzezinski said. "I'm sure he's going to be besieged."

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