jeudi 30 octobre 2008

Barack Obama Hits Prime Time Air Waves, Makes Case

Barack Obama made the case in his prime time debut. I think he sold a lot of American voters on his "promise of change." He spoke from an Oval Office-style set, which will irk some people, and narrated real Americans' stories of tough times for which he promised fresh hope and answers.
"In six days, we can choose hope over fear, unity over division, the promise of change over the power of the status quo," Obama told a live rally from Florida at the ad's conclusion. "In six days, we can come together as one nation, and one people, and once more choose our better history."

It was a strategically brilliant move on Obama's part. From its opening image of a rippling field of golden grain to shots of small-town USA, Obama's epic echoed the style pioneered by Ronald Reagan's famous feel-good "It's Morning in America" ads from his 1984 re-election campaign. The underlying message: An Obama Democratic presidency could restore American confidence and prosperity at a time of uncertainty on many fronts, just as the Republican Reagan did a generation ago.

Barack Obama reminded us of his own humble beginnings and the struggles he faced growing up. He talked about the struggles of families from across the land--real life issues confronting the average American.The ad also painted a stark picture of a nation's troubles: a couple struggling with medical bills, the worker in fear of a plant closure, the mom working two jobs.

The campaign bought ad time on NBC, CBS and Fox, spending about $1 million per network, as well as time on MSNBC, BET, Spanish-language Univision and TV One, a cable network geared toward African-American viewers.McCain took his shots before the ad aired, saying Obama paid for the stylish production with "broken promises."Talk about a "grumpy old man." If he's so confident, why did his campaign start Robocalls in Arizona? Barack Obama made his case and staked his claim to a piece of American history. Funny that McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds could infer that Barack Obama is buying the election. Wasn't President Bush handed the election by the Supreme Court? How fair was that to the millions of voters across the United States? Look at the outcome of Bush's term in office?

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