jeudi 23 octobre 2008

Robert Horr of New Gloucester, Maine, Lawn Sign Showing Barack Obama in Somali Dress Draws Ire

Here we go again, another Obama front lawn sign that is insulting, but will no doubt backfire. To John McCain's credit, his campaign immediately decried the sign. According to Fox News, Robert Horr of New Gloucester said the sign that's visible from Route 100 was intended to provoke debate about the candidates' qualifications to serve as commander in chief. The sign features Obama's full name, Barack Hussein Obama, and the words, "Never served in the military."Some see it as a smear aimed at mischaracterizing the Democratic candidate as un-American. McCain's New England spokesman, Jeff Grappone, said the sign"is totally inconsistent with John McCain's long-standing commitment to substantive, productive political dialogue."

Okay, let's talk about military service, did President Bush have such a distinguished military service such as John McCain or even his father President Bush? Ooops, I forgot, his dad got him out of serving. Did President Bill Clinton serve in the military? No, they accused him of dodging the draft. Since when is military service a requirement for the White House? I can't wait for November 4th to get here.

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