lundi 4 mai 2009

Rev. Jesse Jackson Creates New Role for NAACP, Says the Civil Rights Organization Must Help Save Ailing Auto Industry

Rev. Jesse Jackson has appointed the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People to serve a new role -- to help save Detroit's ailing auto industry. He said that blacks are disproportionately suffering in the current economic downturn and car companies' failures, which is a valid argument, but how can the NAACP save the auto industry?

"The struggle today is to re-industrialize our country," Jackson told reporters Sunday before delivering the keynote address. "We are now minorities with a majority responsibility to save the entire industry," he said told reporters before delivering the keynote address at the 54th Detroit NAACP Fight for Freedom Fund dinner at Detroit's Cobo Center.

Former speakers at the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People's largest annual fundraiser have included President Barack Obama when he was the U.S. Senator for Illinois; his former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr.; and Bill Clinton.

Rev. Jackson, in case you haven't noticed, not even the billions of dollars funneled to GM and Chrysler helped. This is way bigger than the government, much less the NAACP.

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