mercredi 27 mai 2009

Fight Brewing Between the NAACP, NASCAR and Homestead-Miami Motor Speedway Over Confederate Flags

Members of the Miami-Dade branch of the NAACP want the Confederate flag banned from the Homestead-Miami Motor Speedway, and they will meet tomorrow to decide whether to boycott a NASCAR race slated there for November. They will also discuss the flag's presence at city-sponsored events like last year's Veterans Day parade as well. However, officials at NASCAR and the raceway have said that there is little they can do to prevent spectators from displaying or waving the Confederate flag. Herein lies the problem, for me at least -- does the government, NASCAR or the speedway management have a right to tell someone they cannot wave a small Confederate flag or wear a t-shirt with a Confederate picture? I thought we had freedom of expression in this country.

NASCAR has a longstanding policy that prohibits displays of the Confederate flag on its cars, uniforms, licensed merchandise or in advertisements, but should they and the Homestead-Miami Motor Speedway be expected to police the stands during the races? Surely the NAACP cannot be serious in this brewing dust-up about trying to limit freedom of expression.
Homestead-Miami Motor Speedway President Curtis Gray said spectators are not permitted to wave large flags of any sort in the stands because of safety concerns, and to prevent them from obstructing the view. He said Confederate flag items are not sold or officially displayed throughout the 65,000-seat raceway, but there's no official ban on spectators bringing miniature flags to the track, or wearing T-shirts emblazoned with the symbol. "... we don't regulate the lawful behavior of our fans or prohibit free speech and expression of our guests," Gray told "We can't tell people what to wear. Where do you start? Where does it end, as far as individual expression?"

Meanwhile, Rosemary Fuller, a member of the NAACP's Miami-Dade branch, said the civil rights group began drafting a letter last week to NASCAR Chairman and CEO Brian France to seek help in banning the controversial flag from the raceway. Citing a "troubling racial discord" in Homestead, Fuller told the South Florida Times that NAACP members are ready to protest and potentially boycott the season-ending race weekend if NASCAR officials fail to support the effort. NAACP members are also reportedly prepared to contact NASCAR's sponsors if the auto racing league objects. Source: Fox News
While I understand the hatred many African Americans feel towards the Confederacy, we cannot put limits on freedom of speech, without there being specific threats that would call for such drastic actions. There are way more pressing issues confronting Americans today, including residents of Miami-Dade area and Homestead, than to worry about someone waving a Confederate flag at a NASCAR race. Sorry, this is much ado about nothing.

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