vendredi 22 mai 2009

Erich "Mancow" Muller, Conservative Chicago Radio Host, Changes His Mind: Waterboarding Is 'Absolutely Torture'

Pssst, Dick Cheney, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh, conservative Chicago radio host Erich "Mancow" Muller has more guts than you can ever dream of having. He voluntarily underwent waterboarding this morning to prove his point that it is not torture. But guess what, he resoundingly proved a counterpoint. Lasting only six seconds, he concluded that waterboarding was, in fact, torture. If I recall correctly, he said that it was like drowning. This speaks volumes. Imagine undergoing such a horrific act 182 times and Dick Cheney has the nerve to say that isn't torture. Former President George W. Bush and Cheney should be waterboarded to see how they would fare.

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