jeudi 16 juillet 2009

Senator Jeff Sessions: "We're Going To Do That Crack Cocaine Thing" (VIDEO)

Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) continues to prove that he is not only a racist, but a blooming idiot too. During the Sotomayor hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee he said that he was looking forward to doing "that crack cocaine thing" with Senator Patrick Leahy and Wade Henderson, the president and CEO of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights. What, what?
Sessions said "Mr. Henderson, It's good to work with you. Senator Leahy and I are talking during these hearings, we're going to do that crack cocaine thing that you and I have talked about before."

After an awkward pause, Henderson laughed to himself and said, "Thank you, Senator, I appreciate that." While the Senate gallery laughed, and witnesses including NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg and former FBI director Louis Freeh snickered, Sessions sputtered, "Let me correct the record." Sessions explained: "I misspoke. We're going to reduce the burden of penalties in some of the crack cocaine cases and make them fair." Source: Huffington Post
So much for shock and awe! There is a thing called tact, which Senator Sessions has proven throughout the confirmation hearings and actually in previous years, he knows nothing about.

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