mardi 28 juillet 2009

Glenn Beck Calls President Barack Obama a Racist Over His Comments about Henry Louis Gates' Arrest by White Officer (VIDEO)

Fox News Channel's Glenn Beck is a lunatic. This morning on Fox and Friends, Beck accused President Obama of being "a racist." The group was discussing the recent Gates controversy, and Beck exclaimed that Obama has "over and over again" exposed himself as "a guy who has a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture. I don't know what it is..."

When another guest on the program pointed out that many people in Obama's administration are white, so "you can't say he doesn't like white people," Beck pressed on. "I'm not saying he doesn't like white people, I'm saying he has a problem," Beck said. "This guy is, I believe, a racist." Um, in case Glenn Beck hasn't noticed, President Obama is half-Caucasian. This is what they pay this idiot millions of dollars for? This is the type of vile garbage that incites the extremists in our country. Well, since he's making stuff up? How about I call him a racist?

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