lundi 17 novembre 2008

The real cost of the war in Iraq; the one that you can't put a price tag on

I know this photograph is disturbing; it is MEANT to be disturbing. Look at this child, this baby, and DO NOT turn away. We all need to see the price of war, the one that doesn't have a dollar sign attached to it.

As I look upon the face of this innocent young child, whose life was lost in a car bombing, I weep. I weep for all of the lives lost, but especially the innocent young children who have had their lives snatched before they had barely begun.

Thank you Andrew Sullivan for posting this image, and I agree with your decision to post it:
We need to see the evil that we unwittingly unleashed in Iraq and the evil that will doubtless take hold the minute we leave. It is part of the moral equation in deciding what must be done now. And it is not easy. As an advocate for withdrawal, I do not want to deny the moral costs it may involve. Source: Andrew Sullivan ~ The Atlantic
I am an advocate of pulling our troops out of Iraq, however it is also up to us to help clean up this mess that we have caused. Yes, I am saying that WE, the United States has cause a huge mess in another country that we invaded under false pretenses.

Hundreds of thousands of Iraqi people have been killed because of an occupation that never should have been. Even though it will probably never happen, I really wish that George W. Bush and his cronies could be tried for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

God help us and forgive us all for our part in all of this...

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