jeudi 19 février 2009

Sean Hannity, A Big Fan of Accused $8 Billion Scammer Allen Stanford, Recommends Companies On Radio Show

Photo: Huffington Post, Sean Hannity & Allen Stanford

It seems like Sean Hannity has endorsed Allen Stanford. According to an article on the Huffington Post, mention 'Sean Hannity' to Stanford Coins & Bullion and get a free guidebook. You know, the same Allen Stanford that is on the lam for literally robbing investors blind to the tune of $8 billion and is also being investigated for money laundering.
"Stanford Coins & Bullion, a member of the Stanford Financial Group, their name as good as gold," Hannity intones on advertisements that regularly run on his radio show. So, Sean Hannity, "Mr. Holier than thou" was palling around with a criminal.

Stanford Coin & Bullion "is just a telemarketer boiler room-type of company that calls during dinner and tries to fleece you," said Jon Nadler, a senior analyst at gold firm Source: Huffington Post
Also feeling incredibly stupid are fellow criminal and Texan Tom DeLay, Chris Dodd, who got a sweetheart mortgage deal from Countrywide, and sadly, Colin Powell, all who have been beneficiaries of donations and close friendships. He also has an endorsement deal with golf superstar Vijay Singh.

The SEC charged Stanford, who is the first American to be knighted by the government of Antigua, for fraud Tuesday. Stanford has spent millions in the Caribbean island, erecting sports facilities and other community facilities. He is charged with allegedly trying to rob 50,000 clients out of $8 billion through a scheme involving high-interest-rate CDs. He founded the Stanford Super Series where Caribbean cricket teams compete against the British for a $20 million purse.

Hah, this is all too funny. Remember Rev. Jeremiah Wright? No one can say that he literally robbed his congregants to the tune of billions. Sean Hannity, you lay down with a dog, you'll surely get up with fleas.

To listen to the audio, CLICK HERE.

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