lundi 16 février 2009

Muzzammil Hassan, A Prominent Orchard Park Muslim Businessman Charged with Beheading his Wife Aasiya Z. Hassan

Photo: The Hassans, Buffalo News

Buffalo is just a hotbed of activity in the last week. Apparently, the details are rather gruesome. Orchard Park police are investigating the beheading of Aasiya Z. Hassan after her husband, Muzzammil Hassan, an influential member of the local Muslim community, was charged with second-degree murder.

"He came to the police station at 6:20 p.m. [Thursday] and told us that she was dead," Orchard Park Police Chief Andrew Benz said late this morning. Muzzammil Hassan told police that his wife was at his business, Bridges TV, on Thorn Avenue in the village. Officers went to that location and discovered her body.

Muzzammil Hassan is the founder and chief executive officer of Bridges TV, which he launched in 2004, amid hopes that it would help portray Muslims in a more positive light. The killing apparently occurred some time late Thursday afternoon. Detectives still are looking for the murder weapon.

Authorities say Aasiya Hassan recently had filed for divorce from her husband. "She had an order of protection that had him out of the home as of Friday the 6th [of February]," Benz said. Source: Buffalo News

Another case of domestic violence gone horribly bad. The problem is that some of these Muslims are hellbent on asserting their so-called dominance over women. They will do anything to remind a woman of her place, in their eyes at least. This is heinous and I hope this scumbag will get the death penalty. In case Mr. Hassan hasn't noticed, this is the United States of America, where women are treated with respect, and not on the streets of Middle Eastern countries where they are literally muzzled and are the property of their husbands. Rihanna and Juanita Bynum are not the only faces of domestic violence in this country. There are thousands of women in this country living in fear of the monsters they married or have a relationship with.

It is also safe to say that 99.9% of Christians would not behead their spouse or significant other. I am not going to generalize and say that all Muslims are evil, but it seems that there is a rogue element that keeps giving the religion a really bad name -- from terrorists to wife beaters, child abusers and murderers. Funny, I can't see how they could possibly justify such barbaric actions in the name of Allah.

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