vendredi 23 janvier 2009

Ty Dolls Sells Sasha and Malia Black Dolls, Claims They Aren't of the Obama Children, First Lady Michelle Obama Not Buying Their Explanation

Ty Dolls Presents Sasha and Malia dolls

It seems to me that Ty Dolls is trying to capitalize on the Obama girls -- Sasha and Malia, with their latest dolls. The company, which is responsible for the 1990's Beanie Babies craze, is trying to cash in on a new trend with a pair of dolls. The company has insisted that there's no connection to the Obama daughters. They just chose what they thought were "beautiful names." Really? Who's so gullible as to believe that crap?
"There's nothing on the dolls that refers to the Obama girls," spokeswoman Tania Lundeen said. "It would not be fair to say they are exact replications of these girls. They are not." Source: Huffington Post
I am not buying their explanation for a minute. The First Lady isn't either. Michelle Obama is reportedly not pleased about the marketing of a pair of dolls that bear the same names as her daughters. "We believe it is inappropriate to use young private citizens for marketing purposes," Ms. Obama's spokeswoman said. Amen to that. These people will do anything to make a dollar. Wait, where are the dolls representing President Bush's girls -- Jenna and Barbara?

The dolls were were introduced in early January, and a limited supply has been shipped to retailers. They ought to be taken off the store shelves.

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