samedi 24 janvier 2009

Ted Kefalinos, Baker of Racist "Drunken Negro Face" Cookies Apologizes

How is a "Drunken Negro Face" cookie a tribute to President Barack Obama? Well, pastry shop owner Ted Kefalinos seemed to think so. This was offensive and I am glad that many protested by calling his shop. There is nothing honorable about his actions. He was literally forced to apologize for his actions, which I consider

Apparently, it has been reported that if customers ask about the cookies, the baker tells them, “They’re in honor of our new president. He’s following in the same path of Abraham Lincoln; he will get his.” If you don’t know American history, Lincoln was assassinated.

The bakery has been mentioned previously in newspapers and magazines as being a favorite celebrity haunt, and even supplied food featured in Sex and the City The Movie.

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