mercredi 12 mai 2010

Coral Ridge Ministries to Air Documentary on "Dangers of Socialism" in Dig Against Obama Administration

Coral Ridge Ministries and Robert Knight are pushing a vile brand of religion on their congregants. I received a press release today from the ministry to promote a new documentary, Socialism: A Clear and Present Danger, airing nationwide Sunday May 16 and 23, that looks at the history of socialism. I was appalled, but not surprised to see this ministry, which was founded by the late Dr. D. James Kennedy, seeking to brainwash its congregants and others into believing we are headed towards Socialism and they claim that is contrary to God's word. Wait? Didn't the Bible clearly state that the rich should help the poor or is that just my interpretation of the Word. Here's an excerpt from the press release:
“When you hear a politician promoting a policy that’s a socialist policy, the way he sells it is by saying the wealthy have something that you ought to have. We should take from the wealthy to give to you,” says Wendy Wright, president of Concerned Women for America. “And he’s tapping into the voter’s or listener’s sense of greed or covetousness that ‘I want what someone else has. And rather than working for it, I want it taken from them and given to me.’”

Greed and envy masquerading as compassion translates into government programs to redistribute wealth from the “haves” to the “have-nots.”

“Jesus didn’t ask government to be the charity,” says Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-MN). “He asked the individual and the church to be charitable.”

In addition, “Forced redistribution by some kind of government agency is not really what I believe the blessings of the Lord are about,” Bishop Harry Jackson Jr. (who happens to be black), co-author of Personal Faith, Public Policy
Once I realized that they quoted Minnesota's resident nutjob Michele Bachmann, I concluded that this is just hogwash for the feint of heart. I didn't realize Rep. Bachmann was a biblical scholar. I also found it rather interesting that Joseph Farah, founder of right-wing propaganda website WorldNetDaily, was one of the experts. Laughable. The reality is that Coral Ridge Ministries and Robert Knight, along with their so-called scholars and experts are the ones who are trying to indoctrinate their supporters. Funny, I wonder how many supporters and members of Coral Ridge Ministries collect monthly Social Security payments, are on Medicare and/or Medicaid, food stamps and collecting weekly unemployment checks.

Hey, Sen. Chuck Grassley, I hope you are taking note to the political statement this not-for-profit organization is pushing.  Their goal is to foment the fringe element of the Republican Party, while hiding behind their interpretation of the Bible.

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