vendredi 14 mai 2010

Coconut Grove Elementary School Principal, Eva Ravelo, Under Fire for Sending "Eat Sh-- & Die" Email to Parent

Parents are calling for the ouster of Coconut Grove Elementary School principal Eva N. Ravelo,  after she told a parent in an e-mail to "eat shit and die." According to the Sun Sentinel, Abigail DuBearn, a parent and a member of the school's Educational Excellence School Advisory Committee, had asked Ravelo and other council members whether student student representatives of the committee "could be notified today and be invited to attend and participate'' at a meeting held earlier this week. Her response was unprofessional and unbecoming of a lady -- "Advise her to eat sh-- and die."

The matter is now under review by the Miami-Dade County school district's central office. The excuse being pushed by the principal through her mouthpiece, Maria Orjeda, is that the e-mail was meant for her assistant principal, Ramón Dawkins, instead of DuBearn, the Sun Sentinel said.

It seems that the tensions have been simmering between the principal and parents since she came to the school two years ago. No principal or school employee should ever speak to any parent in that way. It is just unacceptable and I don't blame parents for calling for her termination.

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